Thursday, 18 March 2010

Bethel Team Arriving Saturday

It's fever pitch here at The Bridge! There is such an air of anticipation amongst our people (not just Dwee and I) about the arrival of Trisha Wheeler and her team from Bethel Church, Redding, CA. We know they are going to deposit something really special with us during the 10 days they are with us. I'd like to think we will bless them as well...

They are going to lead us on Sunday 21st (from 10.30am) at our usual venue in the St Marks and Hesters Way Community Centre on Brooklyn Road, Cheltenham and they will be doing Prophetic Art (as will others from The Bridge and visitors from as far away as Bath and Leeds. In the afternoon (after a shared lunch - if you're coming, bring food for yourself) Trisha Wheeler will be leading a workshop on Prophetic Art which will be a real challenge, and if there is time and the weather permits, we'll do an outreach at the end of the workshop.

We are so grateful to Christ Church, Malvern Road, Cheltenham for allowing us to use their beautiful church for two evening meetings - one on Monday 22nd dedicated to Healing (and yes, the team will be doing ministry!) and another on Tuesday 23rd which will be all about Bethel's Culture of Honour which undergirds all they are and do as a fellowship.

It's going to be a full week of Kingdom activity and we are anticipating God will really MOVE in and on our town of Cheltenham! Yea God!!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Prophetic Introduction Event at Chesham

Dwee and I took a team of 8 to The King's Church, Chesham on Saturday to lead an Introduction To Prophecy event. We met the Pastor Rob Gorst and his wife Sue through fairly extra-ordinary revelatory circumstances, and the Lord has just linked us together in a supernatural way, so we were not surprised when we just connected with the people in their church. The Presence of God was thick and heavy during and after Andi Foster's worship and the Spirit of Revelation was all around. Sue in particular had a powerful word for The King's Church - alabaster jars of oil were being thrown down from heaven and smashing all over the floor. As one of the team said at the time, when you walk in oil your footsteps carry the oil wherever you walk. Our understanding is that the prophetic is about to grow and break out at The King's Church. Wonderfully, Rob and Sue are wise and godly Pastors who will steer the ship well as they have a passion for Jesus and a love for His people.